Thomas Edison once said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” This is the type of personalized care that would improve patient health. As a primary care physician, prevention of disease and compassionate care is what I strive for. My affiliation with MDVIP allows me to take each individual patient and give them the time and care they require. In today’s medical system, people are not getting the care they need, so they seek care from sources outside of traditional medicine. I believe that when medicine is practiced in the manner it was supposed to be, with time and care, the benefits to the individual are innumerable. I believe MDVIP is the answer to Thomas Edison’s prayers.
Personally, I am a board-certified family medicine physician and have been in private practice for over 7 years. I specialize in primary, personalized care in the outpatient setting for people of all walks of life and of all ages. I have a special interest in geriatric care as well as preventive medicine and cardiovascular health. I am affiliated with Cape Cod Healthcare System and Cape Cod Hospital. As your private doctor who takes the time to know you and your health, I will be able to assist you in striving to live a long and healthy life. I also offer conveniences, like same- or next-day appointments that start on time, which may be found in concierge medicine practices. My MDVIP-affiliated primary care practice currently serves all of Cape Cod, including Yarmouth, Dennis, Harwich, Brewster, Chatham, Orleans, and Sandwich, Massachusetts.