Living Well Blog

By Merritt W. Dunlap, MD
March 1, 2018
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. This is nothing new – heart disease has been identified as a major public health problem for the past 80 years.  What is new is how we’re trying to prevent it. Since about half heart attacks in the United States occur… See more
By Janet Tiberian, MA, MPH, CHES
February 16, 2018
Plant-based diets are credited with preventing, treating and even reversing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. For a dedicated omnivore, plant-based proteins probably don’t sound very appealing. Who wants to swap a T-bone steak for a mushroom-lentil loaf?  But a… See more
By Janet Tiberian, MA, MPH, CHES
February 16, 2018
High doses of vitamin D may quickly ease arterial stiffness in certain overweight, vitamin-deficient populations, according to a recent study conducted by the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. Arterial stiffness can in crease your risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, dementia… See more
By Louis B Malinow, M.D.
February 16, 2018
I realize it’s already February, but I have a resolution for you. Focus less on your cholesterol numbers. Make 2018 the year you switched your attention to your insulin level, inflammation level and LDL (bad cholesterol) particle number. Yes, I know, for years you’ve been told that cholesterol… See more
By Louis B Malinow, M.D.
February 15, 2018
Every so often I have a new patient and need to scour their medical record to prepare for their appointment. In all the years I’ve been practicing, I often notice that records are missing appropriate testing to assess risk of a heart attack. This also includes records from cardiology offices. Yes… See more
By Dr. Andrea Klemes
February 14, 2018
You may know that inflammation is an important aspect of health, but if you’re like most people, you don’t know exactly why. That’s understandable. Inflammation is a complex process.  Sometimes inflammation is a good thing, like when you cut yourself shaving. Your body sends cells to the… See more
January 17, 2018
The long list of products containing artificial sugar substitutes continues to grow. The following may surprise you*. *Not all brands contain synthetic sugars. Always check the label. Alcoholic beverages Chewing gum Chewable vitamins Cough syrup and liquid medicines Electrolyte water… See more
January 17, 2018
If you think your diet soda habit of three, four, five or more cans every day helps keep your calorie intake down, think before you drink. Research shows that the sugar substitutes in beverages damage our diet and may be detrimental to our health. Studies have linked artificial sweeteners to an… See more
January 17, 2018
Added sugar is everywhere. It’s where you expect it – soft drinks, ice cream, cakes and cookies — and places where you might not — sports drinks, instant oatmeal, barbecue sauce and yogurt. Here’s a list of processed foods that probably contain more added sugar than you might expect: See more
January 17, 2018
Don’t reach for a packet or box of sugar substitute for your coffee and cooking. Instead try these nature-made sweeteners. Unlike alternative sweeteners, in moderation they’ll sweeten your diet without damaging your health or sabotaging your weight management plan. Keep in mind, they do have carbs… See more