You know, everyone has an individual story but mine is one of gratitude, thankfullness and sincere appreciation of each day.

Member First Name
| February, 14 2014 | for Mark F. Pinsky, DO

You know, everyone has an individual story but mine is one of gratitude, thankfullness and sincere appreciation of each day. I am forever thankful for my Doctor Mark Pinsky. We were neighbors by chance and then I was fortunate to call him my friend. There are no words to express my gratitude for him caring for me. I was diagnosed with Histiocytosis X in 1998 and he guided me to the specialist I needed. What a comfort it is to have a physician be so knowledgeable in everything you're going through. My son came home for Christmas and he said it so eloquently, Dr. Pinsky is such a gem. Wouldn't' it be great if everyone could have a Doctor like that. I couldn't have said it better. Thank you Dr.Pinsky for always being there for me. I truly appreciate it.
