You all are the best of the best.

Member First Name
| March, 1 2018 | for Rolf W. Meinhold, MD

Dear Dr. Meinhold,
Happy Doctors Day! I could not think of a better time to thank you for the care you provided me during the past 8 years.
One of my best decisions was to follow you into the MD/VIP program.The program has provided me the best service that anyone could expect. You know I have used many of the benefits of this program. IE: Calling you after hours and weekends with an issue, requesting help during my travels out of town, and office visits which I always got the same day I called in. I also want to thank your staff, Vicki and Tammy for the lab work and scheduling of my appointments. You all have made a positive impact in my health over the years. As I told my family many times, you have to be healthy to grow old!. Through you and the MD/VIP program, my plan to stay healthy is working! You all are the best of the best.
