Wow, ho to start.. I have been with Dr Rex since 2003 so we are looking at 11 years of what some would call a true interactive doctor/ patient relationship.

Member First Name
| February, 6 2014 | for Stephen W. Rex, MD

Wow, ho to start.. I have been with Dr Rex since 2003 so we are looking at 11 years of what some would call a true interactive doctor/ patient relationship. He has always been there with advice easy to understand and is constantly looking at ways to improve the health of my family as well as myself. Having worked in Healthcare for 30 years now I know that we make the worst patients. We put off going in to see the Doctor for as long as we can, we tell ourselves it will go away and keep doing what we do best and not take card of ourselves as we take care of others. Dr Rex lets you know about yourself and how a delay in seeing someone can truly set you up for failure. His compassion and kind words keep you at ease while his straight talk lets you know that you are in charge of your own health and only you can tell when something is wrong. He has been a true advocate for the care of my son and we will eternally grateful for the patience he shows him and how a kind word goes farther than anything that may come your way.
