In a world of instant oatmeal, microwave dinners and guaranteed next-morning delivery, it's rare to find a doctor that's not in a hurry.

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Michael & Diane
| March, 26 2014 | for John H. Mitchell, MD
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In a world of instant oatmeal, microwave dinners and guaranteed next-morning delivery, it's rare to find a doctor that's not in a hurry.

Dr. John Mitchell has been that consistent, caring influence in our lives for over 20 years. He demonstrated that you can't rush real relationships. Even though the waiting room looks full, we've never felt rushed. He can't rush, because he's passionate about thinking through solutions and building trust. We're guessing that not too many doctors lay awake at night thinking about which medications will work best for specific patients. He's demonstrated his commitment to helping us live long and prosper.

When we moved to California in 1990, our insurance forced us into an HMO - but we wanted something more consistent for our kids. So we paid out-of-pocket to put them in his care. When our insurance changed a few years later, we followed our kids into his practice. It continued when our grandkids were born, because their parents drove in from 20 miles away to have him as their kid's physician. At one point, Dr. Mitchell took responsibility for the health of three generations.

It didn't stop there. When our Miniature Schnauzer escaped one rainy night, we spent a restless night wondering where she could be. Somehow, she must have sensed who to go to - because she managed to find Dr. Mitchell's house, about a half-mile away -- someplace she had never been. He and Nikki scooped her up, dried her off and took care of her overnight until they could reconnect us the next day.

The Mitchell's - Patience. Consistency. Compassion. Legacy.

Us - Grateful.
