Without my doctor, I would be lost.

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| February, 8 2014 | for Richard A. Berg, MD
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Without my doctor, I would be lost. Being 44, I should be in the prime of life. However, between a blood disorder, cardiac disease, abdominal pain, constant pain from the arthritis in my knee, he is ALWAYS there, to ensure that I make the best of it.
I live life fully, knowing that he is behind it all, pushing and pulling the right levers, so that both physically and mentally, I can face those challenges and prevail. Prevail we do - as a team, Dr. Berg, and me. I keep that in the back of my mind when I fish, play with my kids, help others as a paramedic, and work in my office.
Dr. Berg is not only a physician, but a part of my family for over 30 years. One day a year does not do it justice :).
