Where do I begin? Dr. Kaminski is simply the BEST.

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| February, 24 2014 | for Mark J. Kaminski, MD

Where do I begin? Dr. Kaminski is simply the BEST. He has helped me with so many different issues that I really can't find words to express my thoughts and feelings, other than I don't know what I'd do without him being my Doctor. I can email or text him and he responds promptly no matter how minor the question may be. He has guided me to make sure I'm doing the best for my health and well being.

My husband and I toss around moving out of the State and one of the first thing I say is I can't move without Dr. K. Seriously I do.

He not only is my Doctor, but I feel like he is also my friend. He takes time to listen and that I feel is extremly important.

Like I said, simply put, Dr. Kaminski is the BEST.

Thank you Dr. Kaminiski for being you.
