When you really need a doctor

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| April, 3 2024 | for Glenn Hinchman, MD

When you really need a doctor, some people search for the right doctor to fit their immediate situation. Usually after they get ill. So glad I had Dr. Hinchman as my doctor when I needed him. January of 2021, I had sudden cardiac arrest. No warnings, no nothing! The paramedics were able to revive me, and I was rushed to the hospital and put in intensive care. You hear about the stories of being in the hospital during Covid but actually navigating a stay is overwhelming! Dr. Hinchman took charge as liaison between the specialty doctors and me as well as keeping in touch with my wife/family. He even brought videos into the hospital from my family so I could see them. (remember, nobody was allowed in the hospital except the patient and Hospital staff).

The entire stay, Dr. Hinchman would visit me daily. Never missed a day. Kept me and my wife informed as to what the next step would be, and helped me and my wife understand the specifics of my situation. His visits were a very welcome sight.

So, when do you need a doctor? Nobody really wants to think about needing one until the situation arises, then they scramble. I am healthy and fully recovered but I am at ease knowing that I have Dr. Hinchman in my corner should I need him.

Thank you Dr. Hinchman!
