When I was a small boy, I came down with a throat infection on New Year's Eve that resulted in a very high fever.

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| February, 7 2014 | for Russell N. Neibaur, MD

When I was a small boy, I came down with a throat infection on New Year's Eve that resulted in a very high fever. It had snowed that day and the streets were icy so a trip to the Emergency Room would be dangerous if not impossible. My mother called my pediatrician's answering service after hours and was told that they would relay her message to Dr. Weaver. A few hours later, Dr. Weaver showed up at our front door, black bag in hand and wearing a tuxedo. He and his wife were on there way to a party, but he stopped by to see about me. Now in my 68th year, Russell Neibaur embodies the caring and compassionate qualities of my Dr. Weaver. He listens. He really cares about my health and the quality of my life. And, when I was recently hospitalized, he was at my bedside, helping direct the hospital staff with my care. He is truly someone you can count on to have your best interests in his heart.
