What A Good Physician Should Be

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| January, 19 2024 | for Terry Holster, MD

No one thing in particular, but Dr. Holster has been my physician for a number of years. There is one thing that comes to mind. Last October, I developed some sort of upper respiratory virus with a cough that I could not shake. I called his office at lunch on a Friday and asked his nurse if he could order a prescription for me after I described my symptoms to her. His nurse said that she would talk to him and see if he could order a prescription for me. I found out later that, within 5 minutes of my call, he had directed his nurse to send two prescriptions to the pharmacy that we use. To me, he represents what a competent and caring physician should be. I have never felt rushed in his office as he takes whatever amount of time I want for my visit. He is an extremely intelligent and thorough doctor. On my wellness exams, he is more thorough than I know some other physicians are. When we review my wellness test results, he goes through them slowly and explains what those tests are designed to show. He is extremely approachable and, in addition to his skill as a physician, he has terrific interpersonal skills. I do not text him very often but, when I do, he responds immediately. When I ask him how I can improve something, he always suggests things that are achievable. In all, Dr. Holster epitomizes what a good physician should be.
