We were fortunate to find Dr. "B" when we first moved to Carson City.

Member First Name
| February, 28 2018 | for B Bottenberg, DO, FNLA

We were fortunate to find Dr. B when we first moved to Carson City. We had been told my husband couldn't improve his heart and COPD health and to basically go home and die. Dr. B took us seriously, and coordinated a bunch of specialists to look into every aspect of his health. Under Dr. B's supervision and coordination, my husband has lived an additional 15 years, and continues to do well. In 2010, an accident on board a cruise ship caused my husband to suffer a brain injury, facial bone breaks and back injury. Dr. B didn't just listen to the symptoms, but looked more closely to the root cause of the fall in the first place. With his coordination and supervision, a slow leak was found in my husbands colon, which turned out to be cancer. After that surgery, Dr. B found the best neurosurgeon for us in California, and after several more surgeries, my husband thrives today. I can't say enough about the intellect and caring that Dr. B puts into every office visit. We highly recommend his services, and consider him a part of our family.
