We live part time in Florida in the winter and I was having some sudden severe issues with joint pain.

Member First Name
| October, 9 2014 | for Dragan Djordjevic, MD

We live part time in Florida in the winter and I was having some sudden severe issues with joint pain. Dr. Djordjevic co-ordinated finding a specialist in Florida for me to see and be treated. In addition, he answered extra questions I had regarding what was happening and was reachable by either answering the phone himself or took the call immediately, when possible. When not possible, he called back rapidly. He also has been supportive and helpful with issues regarding one of our children in advising and supporting decisions which need to be made for further care for them. He is also on top of the best and least amount of medication that might be needed for a condition and is always available for questions.
I am lucky to have him for my doctor!
