We are truly grateful to be in Dr. Hasbrook's care and confident he will continue partnering to help us meet our goals this year of staying as emotionally and physically healthy as possible.

Member First Name
| March, 14 2014 | for Charles F. Hasbrook, MD


In 2012, I wrote to you about Dr.Charles Hasbrook's connection and devotion to our only child, 25-yr-old daughter Ashley, as she struggled on a journey with with a rare form of sarcoma. It was his constant medical attention, connection with the top hospitals and specialists from around the country, and unwavering commitment to her life that enabled Ashley to live much longer than oncologists predicted. In giving us our Ashley for more than two additional years, Dr.Hasbrook truly exhibited a level of care for our daughter that transcended medicine.

Since the devastating loss of our daughter, Dr.Hasbrook has shown continued unwavering commitment to my husband and me both physically and emotionally. Having known Ashley so very well, he understands the depth of our loss and the ongoing waves of grief we experience. He meets with us as often as we need to console and counsel us, and was instrumental in our finding a wonderful support group for bereaved parents. Again going the extra mile, he participated whole-heartedly in a 2013 fundraiser sporting event to benefit a local scholarship in Ashley's name....his commitment to keeping her memory alive and to our health continues.

Dr.Hasbrook is the first one to encourage dedication to staying physically fit. An avid walker, last year I struggled with chronic sciatica which was not responding to rest, physical therapy or medication. Dr.Hasbrook ordered an MRI and discovered I had a combination of spinal factors resulting in my ongoing pain, and subsequently referred me to an outstanding neurosurgeon. Because of Dr. Hasbrook's referral, I was able to have an outpatient spinal procedure which was a total success and was quickly back on track exercising daily, and pain free. It is his commitment of connecting with his patients, diagnosing their needs, and accessing top specialists when necessary that Dr. Hasbrook continues making the best possible medical choices for us.

We are truly grateful to be in Dr. Hasbrook's care and confident he will continue partnering to help us meet our goals this year of staying as emotionally and physically healthy as possible. Having the comfort of knowing he is always there for us is a great blessing. Being under his wing is a place of healing and comfort, warmth and understanding...much like coming home.
