Two Wonderful Doctors

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| February, 12 2024 | for Kate B. Wilson, MD

i was a patient of Dr. Kate Wilson before she became an MDVIP doctor. She always took time with her patients and listened to their concerns. With MDVIP, she was able to maintain the time commitment without having other doctors upset. Once, when I was in England, I realized I had forgotten one of my important medications. I called Kate and she got in touch with a pharmacist near my location and I was able to get the medication before our cruise. I don't know what I would have done without her help. A couple of years ago, she hired another doctor, Celeste Peterson, who had the same commitment to patients. She advocated for me to have water therapy for my back and has been great about communicating with me. I appreciate these doctors very much and wish everyone could have the kind of medical care I get
