Two summers ago, my wife and I invited our children and grandchildren to meet us in Brainerd, MN for a family vacation.

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| February, 11 2014 | for Theresa Vicroy, MD

Two summers ago, my wife and I invited our children and grandchildren (who live in San Francisco and New York) to meet us in Brainerd, MN for a family vacation. Although our New York daughter was 7 months pregnant, her pediatrician gave her the okay to join us for the week. Sure enough, she awoke us one night to say she was having contractions. Off to the emergency clinic at 3 AM and shortly thereafter, Jasper was born, 6 weeks prematurely. The small town Brainerd hospital, although exceptionally capable and helpful, did not have premie facilities. We called our daughter's pediatrician as well as local Brainerd physicians for advise. My wife said to me: I bet Dr. Vicroy can help us. My typical male response was: Dr. Vicroy is not a pediatrician; Jenny is not her patient; and she's 1,000 miles away. So, of course we didn't listen to me and we called Theresa Vicroy. She was on top it immediately. She consulted with the head of Pediatrics at Houston's Methodist Hospital, talked us through our options and stayed in touch with us for the next couple of days. Eventually we had to rent a private jet to transfer Jasper to New Yorkl, but did so with much comfort having the advice and guidance of Dr. Vicroy.

By the way, Jasper is now 2 1/2 years old and doing well. Our daughter and of course we will never forget the time and personal interest Dr. Vicroy gave and showed us, considering the fact that Jenny lives 1,500 miles away, is not her patient and never even met her. If not for MDVIP, we'd probably never would have felt comfortable calling her in this situation. We are certainly glad we did. But we should have known, she would have gone the extra mile to help us anyway. Even today, she often asks how Jasper is doing.
