A Tribute to Diana Tyler Rocks, DO, FACOI

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| March, 24 2020 | for Diana Tyler Rocks, DO, FACOI

Joining Dr. Rocks`s MDVIP practice was one of the most important decisions of my life. During two years as her patient, I have experienced both hospital and office care. Dr. Rocks helped me through a twelve-day hospitalization for a life-threatening rare disease. She has researched medical issues on my behalf; she conscientiously posts important MDVIP messages; and she provides access to specialists. Of particular comfort are Dr. Rocks`s notifications of times she will be at conferences and reminders that she is always accessible by cell phone. Notifications of test results are made expeditiously, and she is always willing to explain them in detail. Dr. Rocks is an exceptional listener.

In short, Dr. Rocks`s medical expertise is complemented by her warm, calm, and confident manner. She is a most compassionate and caring person, who has inspired my complete trust and reliance. I am truly fortunate to be the patient of a most exceptional physician--Diana Tyler Rocks.
