Timely exam and diagnosis

Member First Name
| January, 21 2024 | for Martin van Cleeff, MD

This past November , I was awakened early in the morning with an ear ache that grew exceedingly painful. Suddenly , around 7:20 or so my left eardrum burst. It frightened me and I lost most hearing in the left ear. I immediately called Dr. Martin vanCleeff and explained the situation. Dr. VanCleeff instructed me to meet him in his office at 8:00am. After a thorough exam Dr. vanCleeff informed me that my infected ear had a torn ear drum and he would provide prescriptions to eradicate bacteria and assist with sinus. He told me the healing process would take time but the ear drum should heal itself. He also provided multiple follow up appointments noting the improvements in my ear. I have now got my hearing back in my left ear. Dr. VanCleef’s timely diagnosis and follow-up care provided me relief from anxiety and fear of future hearing loss. I cannot begin to say how much I appreciate his concern and care for me. I am blessed to have Dr. vanCleeff as my primary physician. 
