Thanks Dr. scurria for helping me feel better about going to the doctor.

Member First Name
| March, 14 2014 | for M. Sandra Scurria, MD

Thanks Dr. scurria for helping me feel better about going to the
doctor. You really listen to me and have helped me through a difficult
time and i am so glad that I decided to keep you as my doctor on the
new plan. I didn't want to take a risk , again, on a new doctor who i
didn't like.
so Happy doctor day and I just hope I can afford to continue with
Dr. Scurria as I get older and insurance cost more, and I hope
Affordable Care Act works for peoples needs. Don't know if the
Republicans will kill Medicare, and as I am approaching that age, I
can only hope for general good health, and if I need a doctor, I can
get one.
