Thank You - Dr. Gregory Hood

Member First Name
| January, 19 2024 | for Gregory A. Hood MD MACP FRCP
Image provided by: Melissm

So much to say about Dr Gregory Hood. More than a Doctor, Dr Hood has been a friend to my late husband since high school and with God's hand he became our doctor not knowing what the future would have for our family.
Dr Hood's knowledge of medicine and connections with the medical facilities provided my husband with care he needed during the most challenging time of our lives. Not only was he our medical advisor but a FRIEND who listened, gave hugs and a shoulder to cry on. I can not Thank him enough for the relentless determination to help my husband and make sure of comfort to him and myself.

After being the caregiver and mom, it was time to take care of ME. Dr. Hood provided a plan and with his support and my determination I was able to improve my health through diet, exercise and listening to my body as to what it needed. During this time I joined a gym and was able to compete in Athletic games which placed in 3rd, in addition being able to run with my son and completed obstacle courses. I feel better than ever.

Having Dr Hood and his staff as part of my health and nutrition is vital to me being around for my family and completing my travel bucket list.

I am very THANKFUL to Dr. Hood
