Thank you Dr. Dunlap,

Member First Name
| February, 21 2020 | for Merritt W. Dunlap, MD

Hi, I signed up for MDVIP about five or six years ago with Dr. Dunlap of Carson City Nevada. I was almost through my first year and I was strongly considering not resigning for another year as I really had no issues and it seemed like extra money I didnt need to spend. About a month before my one-year contract was completed I was on the tennis court and went to run for a ball and my legs would not move! My game has been going downhill for the last few weeks, It was very disconcerting. At this point I could only make large Frankenstein like steps on the court. I was scared! This happened on a Friday afternoon and when I got home I called Dr. Dunlaps personal cell phone, it was about 5 PM. Dr. Dunlap was with his family driving to a vacation destination. I felt bad speaking with him at this time but he put me completely at ease and let me explain my problem. He assured me I will be in testing early the next week. Through his many connections in the Carson city area he was able to get me into numerous exotic tastings during the next few weeks. These appointments happened in a matter of days not weeks! I finally ended up via Dr. Dunlap with a neurologist. The neurologist ordered an MRI of C1 through C7. My spinal cord was extremely crunched, it was cutting off the nerves to my legs and fingers. Had this gone on much longer or had I sustained any kind of severe shock I was informed that I couldve been paralyzed for life. My internal vertebrae were filled with calcium deposits arthritis and bone spurs. In a matter of days I was on the operating table and ended up with a fusion of C4 through C7, including a cage. Not to be a braggart, but I actually won a small tournament at our club at Zephyr Cove. Thank you Dr. Dunlap, Thank you MDVIP! 
