Talented Doctor and Good Friend

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| March, 10 2020 | for John V. Borders, MD, FACP
Image provided by: Alan

Dr. John Borders cares more about my health than I do. He is a very talented and compassionate man, he also looks like he came from central casting for a soap opera doctor. He also adapts his persona to suit the patient. With me he is the take no prisoners coach. This is especially necessary for a type A ass like me. While on travel in Mongolia I experienced shortness of breath and unusual nervousness. I texted Dr. John complaining that he missed something in the latest examination. He instructed me to stay calm and come to him immediately upon my return. I did as instructed with an attitude. He listened quietly to my bitching for a few minutes. He raised his hand to shut me up and asked are your out of breath? I was surprised I was not. The coach then informed me the problem was in my head not my lungs and prescribed escitalopram and send me to the pharmacy. My once a day pill was so small, six can sit on my thumbnail. I told the lovely pharmacist that my doctor was full of bull and this small pill would have no effect on a 265 pound beast like me. She looked up with a smile and said "don't take two". This medication dramatically improved my life at home, work, and socially. Previously you had to live through a tiraid to get to a philosophical solution to your problem. Now the philosophical is the welcomed initial response.
