A Supportive Relationship

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| February, 1 2024 | for Karl K. Johsens, MD

Let me begin by praising the MDVIP model. It has allowed my doctor, Dr. Karl Johsens, the luxury of having fewer patients and to be able to spend more time with each of them. It's the opposite of most doctor-patient relationships where you get a maximum of 15 minutes per visit and then you're out the door. It's a situation that benefits both the patient and the doctor. A happy and more relaxed doctor is better able to do the job he trained for. This really pays off in an emergency, and I've had several in the last few years. Dr. Johsens has always been there to guide me through treatment options and ensure that the medical system beyond his office is giving me the care I need. In addition, his annual examinations are very thorough and leave me confident that all aspects of my health are being considered.

Outside of raw medical knowledge, the ability of a doctor to listen to his patients is paramount. And Dr. Johsens is top of his class in that regard. I always feel heard and that his recommendations are responsive to my needs. Together we've been a successful health care team for a number of years now.

Finally, no doctor I've ever known has taken the time to hold annual classes on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Not only that, in 2023 Dr. Johsens and his wonderful staff put on a fun (and very well attended) patient appreciation day at a local park. This event featured very healthy foods but also included delicious barbecued sausages in recognition of the fact that healthy eating isn't just about self-denial! There were also some great door prizes.

In short, Dr. Johsens is the best general physician I've ever had and a credit to the MDVIP concept. His office and care staff is also first rate.
