Super Susie Williard, D. O.

Member First Name
| March, 11 2024 | for Susan Willard, DO

I had been a patient with her for several years. Many reasons came into play when I left her practice. I do not remember how long the gap was before I returned to her practice. My husband had passed and rightly so I was having difficulties adjusting. Dr. Williard welcomed me back with opened arms. She was the support that counted during the grieviing process. She addressed my physical health and my emotional health needs fully.
One particaular incident was when I face planted myself on a nice flat surface of asphalt breaking my glasses, skinned my face and broke my elbow.
When I got home from the discovery of the break, I called her. Truly supportive as usual, Dr. Willieard sent ,me to an Orthopaedist that could see me quickly.

It was encouraging to have this type of medical service quickly and dedicated to see me through this little challenge.

There have been several more challenges. She efficiently directs me the correct medical sources to get them figured out.

I am very blessed that she is my Physcian, When she retires it will be a real lost to the community.
