She supports me and listens to all my concerns
Dr. Walden-Fain has changed my view on doctor/patient relationships. I used to dread going to the doctor so much...basically, I didn't have one. I bounced around and saw nurse practitioners from time to time. I never felt like I connected with anyone or that they understood me as a person. I was luckily enough to be assigned Dr. Walden-Fain while I was in the midst of going through treatments for Stage 1 Breast Cancer summer of 2018. She has been so good to me. She was very understanding about the emotional feats that came with dealing with radiation, having to be put into forced menopause and restoring my immune system. She let me cry and laugh my way through all the drama that came with this crazy journey. I know that she has my back and assures me I am taking charge of my good health. The best was running into her at a boutique last spring and I had just found my pink dress I was going to wear on Oaks Day for the Survivors parade. I had said hello to her and showed her my dress. She told me she was going to be at the track that day and said (with a reassuring smile) that she would be cheering me on!! I feel so lucky to have a doctor that is always there to cheer me on : )