She is so caring, kind and compassionate

Member First Name
| June, 20 2019 | for Dr. Alyssa M. Degnan

Dr. Degnan has been my primary care physician for nearly 15 years. When she decided to join MDVIP, I was a little reluctant because I never get sick. Well I sure am glad to have her on my team because I have needed her for several major medical issues. She is so on top of everything, explains things in a way I can understand them, makes sure I get the very best care by referring me to specialists, follows up with me, and makes me feel comfortable with my situation. She is so caring, kind and compassionate I don't know what I'd do without her. It is a good feeling to know she can be reached 24/7 and she does respond quickly to my emails. I have a high comfort level knowing I can be seen by another MDVIP doctor when I travel. I highly recommend Dr. Degnan..
