She figured me out and gave me the time

Member First Name
| February, 12 2024 | for Veronica Sutherland, DO

For a few years, I had been bouncing from doctor to doctor because I knew something wasn't quite right with my heart. I felt something was off but every doctor I saw told me I was stressed out and needed to relax more. I am a busy working mom and even so, knew there was more. I scheduled an appt with Dr Sutherland and arrived early, as I usually do. I didn't realize or was told that I was an hour early AND she was running late. By the time I got into the exam room, I was furious enough that the MA told me she'd recheck my blood pressure in a bit. Dr Sutherland came in and told me that she would always run late. She spends more time with her patients than other doctors and it's up to me if I want to deal with her schedule. Well, after that, she listened to my heart, heard it pause for a moment and the rest is history. I was referred to a cardiologist, got a pacemaker and am doing much better. I decided that she was the doctor for me because she told me strait that I had to adapt to her schedule and that she is the one that will listent to me as a patient. I most often schedule to see her first thing in the morning, which has taken care of a lot of the "lateness". I am excited now for her to be with MDVIP, so that she can actually give the patients the time she wants to and the time we as patients deserve. She has been my doctor since 2016 and I wouldn't have it any other way.
