Sharon A. Scanlon has been my Internist for many years.

Member First Name
| February, 10 2014 | for Sharon A. Scanlon, MD, FACP

Sharon A. Scanlon has been my Internist for many years when I was a busy Mom of 3 teenage boys to my present position of being an empty nester with a grandchild on the way. Sharon - and I call her that with great respect and friendship because she encourages patients to feel she is their friend - has understood my issues, guided me through my body's changes, encouraged my growth and has always listened. Her response time to my emails or calls is rapid. I know she knows who I am and she often asks about my family or my volunteering. I feel so fortunate to have a personal relationship with my doctor. Sharon has always answered any of my concerns or questions with intelligence and examples from experience. This is very reassuring.
As I navigate the issues of aging, it gives me great peace to know that I am in the capable and caring hands of Sharon Scanlon.
