A second chance

Member First Name
| January, 18 2024 | for Greg Beato, DO, CAQ, FACOI

When I first met Dr. Beato, I was in a health crisis. I had been in and out of the hospital and misdiagnosed several times. Dr. Beato heard me. He cared. He quickly got me in to see a specialist. He also worked with me over that year to improve my health and for the first time in several years, all my lab work came back normal and good! I felt like I had a 2nd chance to live. That has meant everything. I've continued to work on my health, with Dr. Beato as my team mate, and my physical and mental health are better than they have been in my adult life.

Dr. Beato literally saved my life, just by believing me and getting me the care I needed. He was there for me when I was my most vulnerable and I'll always remember and be grateful to him for that. He gave me the chance to start seeing live music and dancing again! I'm living my best life under his thoughtful care.
