Scott Hammer...A Smashing Success!

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| March, 11 2020 | for Scott A. Hammer, MD, FAAFP

Once upon a long time ago, my 94-year old father-in-law (fighting metastatic colon cancer) and my nearly 80-year old mother (fighting Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) both needed doctors who could help them remain comfortable through essentially what was end of life.

Enter Dr. Hammer. He was a comparatively young doctor with a ponytail. Neither parent had ever had exams so thorough nor care as comprehensive before in either of their lives. They both remarked about it regularly. And Mom thought Dr Hammer was "very handsome." When they became bedbound, he came to see them at the house.

My husband and I quickly became patients of Dr. Hammer's. Scott is a walking encyclopedia with an unbelievably long memory. In a world where most doctors treat whatever your specific problem is in 10 minutes or less, Scott treats THE WHOLE PATIENT! What a way to establish yourself as a new kind of physician. And he doesn't miss a thing. Even before MDVIP entered the picture, I had some office visits last 30 minutes or more.

There is so much to be said for a doctor who has great powers of observation, a wealth of knowledge and skill, and the ability TO LISTEN!

We joined MDVIP and added my sister to the group ONLY TO KEEP DOCTOR HAMMER. He is the best! The Hammer SMASHES IT! There should be 10 stars in your rating system! :)
