Recognition of what was real.

Member First Name
| February, 1 2024 | for Emily A. Nolfo, MD, FACP

Dr Emily Nolfo has been my doctor nearing 30+ years. I followed Emily to MDVIP because she is that GREAT A DOCTOR! There have been many moments with her that stand out. However, my most important moment with her was when she finally figured out what was wrong with my hands and arms. That I wasn't crazy! I had been sent to many workers' compensation doctors and I had all reports sent to Emily. She did countless hours of research and reading of the files to come to multiple diagnoses. Every other doctor said I was obese, diabetic, needed to exercise, etc. Emily finally figured out that first and foremost, I really was experiencing major pain not just localized to my hands and arms. All the nerve conduction tests said nothing was wrong, but I knew from previous experience that some tests just don't work on some people. I had had bilateral carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel releases performed in the early 1990s and the surgeon then, listened to me and I had classic symptoms. After surgery he explained that my nerves were so entrapped, they were almost severed! He had spoken with Emily before surgery and they had both agreed I needed the surgery. Well, 10 years later I started feeling the same pain in the same areas. Unfortunately, carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel had returned. They had exacerbated to Fibromyalsia as well, a whole body pain syndrome. Still today, she's treating me for the nerve damage, fibromyalsia and, as I get older, everything else that is the process of aging. Emily Nolfo is a GREAT Doctor who really cares about her patients because we all matter to her.
