A Physician Who Really Cares

Member First Name
| February, 12 2024 | for Carmelo DiSalvo, MD, FAAFP

We have been Dr. DiSalvo’s patients for many years prior to his transition to MDVIP. We were faced with a financial decision to stay with Dr.DiSalvo once he decided to join MDVIP. After careful thought, there was really no decision to leave or stay.....we would stay with Dr. DiSalvo based on our prior relationship with him. Dr. DiSalvo is a caring physician; one who spends time with you to explain your current medical issues or those that have occurred in the past. Since we joined Dr.DiSalvo and MDVIP, we can’t even fully explain how many times Dr. DiSalvo has been there for us. We will explain a few of the times Dr.DiSalvo has made himself available to us. On New Year’s Eve one year, we came home from vacation and both of us were very ill. We immediately called Dr. DiSalvo to obtain advise how to proceed to take care of our illness. He was on a ski vacation but walked us through what we should do to take care of ourselves. He called us everyday to see how we were progressing and followed up with us upon his return from vacation. Fast forward to Christmas 2022 when my husband was admitted to the hospital on Christmas morning. I immediately texted him to discuss, in lay person language, the status of my husband’s medical status. Dr. DiSalvo contacted the physicians who were taking care of my husband. It was such a relief to know that Dr Di Salvo would keep my abreast of my husband’s status. It so comforting to know you can be advised by your regular doctor. During Christmas of 2023, my husband needed attention for a back issue. Dr. DiSalvo arranged for a local MDVIP physician to see my husband. The local doctor ordered additional tests which were sent to Dr. DiSalvo......all the time, Dr. DiSalvo kept in touch with us.
On a day to day, month to month , year to year basis, Dr. DiSalvo leaves no stone unturned. No medical issues are ever left unattended, he addresses all conditions to the fullest.
It is critical and comforting to have a wonderful rapport with your physician; one that my husband and I would be reluctant to ever give up.
