One of Gods blessings here on earth

Hello and thank you for looking at my testimony regarding Dr. Villanueva, aka Dr.V.
My path to Dr.V is an emotionally significant one. The year was 1998, and I was a patient of the practice he was working in. This practice had probably about 7-8 doctors working together. I had given birth 4 months prior and was blessed to be pregnant again. I had my appointment set with my physician to begin my new pregnancy. I was about 12 weeks along when I started cramping and having some bleeding. I called the office right away to get an appointment asap with a doctor. The office told me to come in that afternoon and I would be seen. I arrived after lunchtime. I waited in the waiting room for a while. Being a work in I understood the wait. The office was set to close when a nurse came out into the waiting area and told me I wasn’t able to be seen today and I needed to keep my original appointment. Additionally, she said that if I was having a miscarriage there is nothing they can do. I remember being physically uncomfortable because of the cramping all afternoon but not scared; I truly thought once I was able to see a doctor everything would be ok. When I was told to leave I was uncomfortable and now afraid . I got up and walked out on wobbly legs, holding back tears in my eyes. I made it to the elevator while still mostly composed when I saw a different nurse running down the hall yelling ,”Wait, wait!” Everyone at the elevators turned and she so kindly said, “Pardon but , I just need to speak with this lady.” She lead me away from the others and said,” I need to speak with you before you go.” She asked me if I was there to see a doctor and the reason. Once I told her why, she immediately replied, “Ok, come with me. There is a doctor that wants to see you and asked me to come get you.” She led me to a side door and into an exam room. Less than 5 minutes later, Dr. V walks in with his relaxed, yet confident demeanor. He gently walks over and thanks me, the patient, for coming back to see him. He spoke with compassion and warmth when he said now let’s see what’s going on. He did the exam which included a sonogram & labs. While doing the exam, he talked me through everything that was and will be happening. He was so kind and compassionate about the fact that I was having a miscarriage. He explained what my body was doing currently and what to expect in the coming days. He took his time and truly related to me as one human to another. When more tears came to my eyes, he just sat with me; more like a friend than a doctor. At the correct time he said, “You will be ok, you will be able to get pregnant again, and I’m here for you. Take your time in the room, you don’t have to hurry off. Just lay here for a while, and then I will see you next week.”
My body did exactly as he had explained. The next week when we had our appointment, we talked about what happened and the next step even when I should try again to get pregnant. While I’d love to say our initial circumstance was happy one, I can’t; having a miscarriage is hard both emotionally and physically. But I can tell you he is an amazing man and lucky for us, he is also a phenomenal doctor. The story did not end there in 1998 but was just the beginning. He did deliver a healthy baby boy just a year and some months later, he has helped navigate the changes in my body over the years, and has been the primary advocate for my health and well being. One of my favorites attributes about him is that he has a way of meeting people where they’re at. Personally, I happen to be more of a, “No meds, no fuss, nothing to see here.” type of person. He allows me to be me while also still keeping the necessary balance of being a safe and healthy woman. If you want to be seen, respected, & cared for Dr. Villanueva is going to be perfect for you. He will help navigate your health, body, and all the challenges life has in-store. Welcome and congratulations on your journey.