Not only is Dr. Janz an excellent doctor, he is a very caring person.

Member First Name
| March, 22 2014 | for Timothy A. Janz, MD

Not only is Dr. Janz an excellent doctor, he is a very caring person. Due to several health problems, I find it important to have one doctor who coordinates all of my other doctors and medicines. He is on top of it all. He set up an appointment at Johns Hopkins in Maryland for me, then followed up by calling me in California (we were visiting our son) to see how everything went. If I need to see a doctor with a certain speciality, Dr. Janz takes care of everything and then follows up with me. I know that if I have a problem, I can reach him any time of the day or night. This gives me a real feeling of comfort. I know that he's monitoring every aspect of my healthcare. No other doctor that I've had ever did that. I would recommend Dr. Janz to anyone. In addition, he has educational seminars once a month. These give me additional information about other areas of healthcare. Dr. Janz also beings in other doctors who are the top in their field to discuss the current topic of the month. Dr. Janz also has a very efficient staff who insure that your wait is minimal and you are well taken care of. I sincerely hope that I will always be able to go to Dr. Janz. I doubt that I could ever find a better person or doctor.
