Nearly two years ago, Dr. Neibaur ordered a bone density scan based merely on my age.

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| February, 9 2014 | for Russell N. Neibaur, MD
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Nearly two years ago, Dr. Neibaur ordered a bone density scan based merely on my age. I am 65 years old, and maintain a carefully chosen, active lifestyle. To my shock, I was diagnosed with borderline osteoporosis. Not desiring to take available medications, Dr. Neibaur and I crafted a significant lifestyle change -- running rather than cycling, fairly extreme weight-lifting protocol, augmented by specific minerals. I now leg press nearly 500 pounds -- so my bones HAVE to be stronger. And, even more joyous, I climbed to 17,600 just a few weeks ago in the Everest Region -- was one of 6 out of a group of 22 who was able to accomplish that. When I think about the trickle effect of this success -- I am able to do humanitarian work that benefits girls in Nepal, experience exquisite success for myself, and make friends from people in a beautiful country and culture. So, I go again in April for a second bone density, and am positive that I will see benefit from what we agreed on as a treatment. I LOVE having a doctor with whom I can figure out some plan besides medication -- unless I have tried all I know to do first. THANK YOU!!!
