My wife signed up with Dr. Wang based on a referral from her Cardiologist.

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| February, 8 2014 | for Gordon K. Wang, MD

My wife signed up with Dr. Wang based on a referral from her Cardiologist. Initially I went to Dr. Wang because Dr. Wang was available when my back went out and my Primary Care Doctor was not. My Primary Care Dr. told me to go to the ER because he closed early on Friday. I had already been to the ER and their drugs were not working for my back pain.

Dr. Wang not only stayed open to see me immediately but he called to have me admitted me to the hospital, got the Radiologist Tech to come back to the hospital for my CAT scan, met me at the hospital to review the radiologist report and order pain medication, and told a Neurologist to come in and see me that night. I was not even Dr. Wang's patient at the time.
As soon as I got out of the hospital, I made Dr. Wang my primary and switched both of my parents to Dr. Wang. He sometimes visits them in their Assisted Living Facility (South Port Square).
