My story with Dr. Bill didn't just start when he became an MDVIP doctor.

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| February, 12 2014 | for William B. Holgerson, MD
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My story with Dr. Bill didn't just start when he became an MDVIP doctor. I go back 35 years when as a 22 year old fresh out of college and with a very sore and infected big toe. I was referred to Dr. Bill by a co-worker. He took one look at that inflamed toe, put is arm around me and said, That toe looks like it hurts pretty badly. If I lance that, not only will it hurt like the dickens and you will not like me, but I predict you will never come back. He gave me an oral med and in the appropriate amount of time it was all better. Fast forward about 30 years with all kinds of wonderful treatment in between, when I was vacationing with a girlfriend in Florida. I get back to my cell phone after a glorious day at the beach and there is a message from a friend of my husband's saying he was taken to the hospital earlier with stroke-like symptoms. I called Dr. Bill immediately. He was with a client but called me back within 10 minutes and after a lengthy discussion had me fairly well relaxed with what he considered to be not a stroke, but a benign case of TMI (transglobal amnesia). He gave me his cell phone number and said anytime in the next few days and forever after if I needed him, just skip calling the office and call him direct! What doctor ever did that BEFORE MDVIP came along!!! His diagnosis was, incidentally, correct! Phew!!! I also must comment about patient waiting time. What waiting time?? In all my 35 years with him, Dr. Bill has been early more often than late; and by late I mean five minutes tops. All my friends who complain about wait times at their physician's office are sooo jealous when I brag about Dr. Bill. To be honest, my care has changed very little since Bill joined MDVIP. I have always gotten the highest quality of care and personal attention from him. Nothing much has changed. Paying the money to go with MDVIP was a little eye opening, but we never hesitated for a minute. We would follow Dr. Bill wherever he went because we think he is the greatest!
My husband and I consider ourselves so very fortunate to have Bill Holgerson as our PCP. He has grown to be more than just our doctor, we consider him our friend!
Thanks, Bill!!!
