My husband and I were referred to Dr. P. by friends

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| February, 6 2014 | for Martin Poliak, MD
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My husband and I were referred to Dr. P. by friends; in earlier years we were gifted with the brilliance of Dr. Carlos Hamilton, now retired from Medical Clinic of Houston. As a married couple, Dr. P. learns about the views from each spouse privately while in consultation. He has had questionnaires completed by each spouse that includes everything from heredity to sexual habits. Dr. P. is someone of tremendous knowledge about anatomy, the workings of our bodies and gives the best advice on what we can do to maintain our good health. One time I came in I thought I was going to go to the final rest in the sky but it turned out that I was wrong and Dr. P. with his subtle sense of humor, helps you feel better and leave better than you arrived. Since I have a rather brash sense of humor, Dr. P. humors me and let's me just be myself. When Ron had his hip replacements, Dr. P. referred him to the best surgeon at Methodist who did an expert job both times and Dr. P. always showed his concern with visiting during the hospital stay. He spends time with you, he really cares and you truly know it. You don't wait hours to see him which is a blessing. Access to his office is country club perfect. We are in our later years and being in good health gives us the opportunity to travel and be active with our grandkids. Dr. P. all the best and you take care of those wonderful women who make you look even better......they need more work/life balance so please take them to lunch one day soon. It's not easy to be locked up in only several square feet of space every day without a breather. You are one busy Doc and my hubby and are blessed to have you in our lives. Congratulations on your years. Thanks for EVERYTHING.!! (And don't retire like all our other doctors have)........
