My husband and I chose Dr. Elizabeth Boehme as our primary physician after reviewing her qualifications on the MDVIP site on the internet.

Member First Name
| March, 14 2014 | for Elizabeth Y. Boehme, MD

My husband and I chose Dr. Elizabeth Boehme as our primary physician after reviewing her qualifications on the MDVIP site on the internet. Initially, our choice was made on the basis of her medical training. Because we had a son who also graduated from Johns Hopkins medical school and we knew what that entailed, we felt we could be assured that she was well trained.

From our first meeting with Dr. Boehme, we knew that we were fortunate in our decision, and time has only validated that judgement. We have been the beneficiaries of Dr. Boehmes medical expertise and attention to her patients needs and concerns. Since we have been her patients, we have had a number of medical crisis and in every instance she has been immediately responsive to our needs, kind and considerate in her treatment of us, and thorough in her follow up. We cannot say enough good things about Dr. Elizabeth Boehme, and we value our doctor/patient relationship.
