My Heart and My Life

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| March, 7 2020 | for Mark J. Kaminski, MD

Short story. Last fall, at my annual physical, Dr. Marl Kaminski told me all my tests looked very good. I appeared healthy and I felt fine. BUT Dr. Kaminski said he heard a heart murmur that he had not heard before. He recommended (insisted) I have an Echo Cardiogram. Result of the EC was a badly leaking mitral valve in my heart. All new to both of us. I had no other symptoms. Further tests and study confirmed the original test result. Three cardiologist told me that I was at major rusk of a heart attach if we did nothing. January 28, 2020 I had successful open heart surgery to repair the valve. (Dr. Steven Bolling at Frankel Cardiac Center of the University of Michigan). Five weeks later, I am back to playing paddle ball twice a week and looking forward to a long and active life. By the way. I am 82 years old. I credit Dr, Mark Kaminski for saving my life. Simple as that. Thank you Mark, from my renewed and ever grateful heart. 
