My family of four has been under the care of Dr Wohler since 1991.

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| September, 20 2011 | for Brett A. Wohler, MD
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My family of four has been under the care of Dr Wohler since 1991. He was just opening his first practice in Rose Hill, Alexandria, when my husband David and I showed up at his office --which he was still furnishing with the help of his assistant-- and asked him if he wanted to be our unborn baby's pediatrician. He said he was not a pediatrician but a family physician, which we thought was even better. We chose him because we saw an ad in the local paper about his new practice where we found out that he had been a doctor at a refugee camp in Thailand, which meant that probably he had seen it all and would not send someone to the hospital because of a broken nail. Ever since we have been with Franconia Family Medicine, and with Dr. Wohler in particular. He has taken care of our two children, Gaby and Mateo, now 20 and 16 years old, respectively, and of my husband and I. When my daughter Gaby was a baby and she had a very high fever, I called Dr Wohler's office to make an appointment but he could not see us there because there was a gas leak in his building, so he offered to stop by our house on his way to the hospital. Ten minutes later he was in my living room checking our baby girl, who had an ear infection, and playing with our dog. We used to tell this story to our friends --we still do, after 20 years!-- and they looked at us in total disbelief. As a baby, our boy Mateo had an episode of pneumonia, and Dr Wohler, after seeing and diagnosing him in his office, suggested that if I chose to keep him home and take care of him myself instead of taking him to the hospital, he would give me detailed instructions and follow up daily on his status. I decided to keep him at home and remember that for a week Dr Wohler called my house every day at 7:30 AM to check on Mateo's health. He recovered in a short time and today is 6 feet tall, a junior in high school, and plays Lacrosse for his school. Gaby â€who probably is Dr Wohler’s “patient zeroâ€--is 20, played soccer since she was five until high school, field hockey since the 9th grade, and is now a third-year student at UVA. What I most appreciate about Dr Wohler is his genuine concern for our family, his ability to explain everything in very simple terms, and his common sense approach to a healthy living. There is no mystery to it-- you eat nutritious food, you exercise regularly, you have annual checkups, and, according to your age and your family history, apply preventive care. Thanks to Dr Wohler, his colleagues and staff, our family is very healthy and feels extremely blessed to have been under such a good care for two decades.
