My experience with MDVIP through Dr. Minsky has been a positive one.

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| February, 22 2014 | for Louis R. Minsky, MD

My experience with MDVIP through Dr. Minsky has been a positive one. Fortunately, I am usually healthy and my visits to the doctor are few and far between. In September 2011, shortly after enrolling in MDVIP, I experienced terrific pain in my right upper leg. I went to see Dr. Minsky and he began treating me. Over the next week my pain grew steadily worse until I was confined to bed. I felt free to call Dr. Minsky at any time. Once during this time he met me at his office on a Sunday. Dr. Minsky was instrumental in getting an orthopedist to see me and schedule a CT scan which revealed a bone chip resting on a nerve in the L3-L4 area of my back. He was then able to get me an appointment with a spine specialist who scheduled me for surgery to remove the bone chip. Relief was immediate!! Several weeks later I developed a rash on my left leg. This was on Christmas Eve. Once again I called Dr. Minsky who instructed me to make a picture of the affected area with my smart phone and forward to him. He was able to immediately diagnosis it as shingles and promptly started me on the proper medication. Since I had previously had the shingles shot and due to early diagnosis, my case of shingles was very light. Due to Dr. Minsky's prompt attention and medical care my pain and suffering were greatly alleviated. I will forever be grateful to him for persisting in getting to the root of my problems and than getting me the help I needed. I truly feel that he was genuinely interested in helping me to overcome these issues.
