My experience with Dr. Handelman has been so positive!

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| February, 26 2018 | for Mark C. Handelman, MD
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My experience with Dr. Handelman has been so positive! I am a newer patient, single in my senior years dealing with life on my own now. I was looking for a Dr. that is stable, as many of my past doctors have left their practices for one reason or another. A few of my friends suggested I try Dr. Handelman. as he has been practicing in Las Vegas for many years and they were very satisfied with him for many reasons.

In the last year I have needed his services on several occasions. I am most impressed with his ability to listen and not make me feel as if he is hurried. He seems very present. I feel heard. These traits are lacking in the medical field based on my experience.

Dr Handelman has addressed every concern I have had and has earned my confidence. I respect his opinion and feel he will always point me in the right direction. He and his office are very organized and professional but not sterile. The office has good energy which again is unusual for our area. It is so nice to feel secure in my choice to be under Dr. Handelman's care.

I feel like I have a partner in my health decisions and that makes me confident that if /whenI am confronted with a serious issue he will be there to treat and advise.
Thank you Dr. Handelman.

Pat L.
