Moving to Katy 20 years ago I wanted a good doctor.

Member First Name
| February, 22 2014 | for Ramon A. Solis Jr., MD

Moving to Katy 20 years ago I wanted a good doctor. In my quest I decided to ask two nurses on different floors of our local hospital who they felt was the best doctor - in their opinion. Both nurses referred me to Dr. Solis. From that time on he has been our family doctor - a wonderful, caring, compassionate friend who has been there for us so many times. We have survived heart attacks, by-pass surgery, hip surgery, and the latest - an atrial ablation - for my husband. Dr. Solis happened upon my husband as he was waiting for a lab technician to draw blood. He sensed something major could be wrong. He immediately did an EKG, and discovered the atrial flutter my husband had and was not aware of. Quick care resulted in an ablation that in all probability, saved him from having a stroke or worse. After 31 moves with the same company, my husband and I have retired in Katy. We've had many doctors over the years, but without a doubt, this man exceeds every expectation you could have for the best doctor in the world. I am so grateful we found him in this ever-changing world.
