In mid-2012, I was having severe itching and went to see Dr. Ahn, when I couldn’t find anything to ease the itch.

Member First Name
| March, 18 2014 | for Yong Hui Ahn, MD

In mid-2012, I was having severe itching and went to see Dr. Ahn, when I couldnt find anything to ease the itch. Dr. Ahn also noticed that I was jaundiced and referred me for an endoscopy to determine whether I had a blockage somewhere in my bowels.

An endoscopy was performed and a stint inserted in my intestines to assist in draining the bile buildup, which was causing the itching and yellowing of my skin. During that endoscopy, they determined that I had a spot on my pancreas that was diagnosed as being stage II. I was sent for a CT-Scan and was referred to a team of doctors (Oncologist, Radiologist and Surgeon), who evaluated my case and determined that I should immediately begin radiation and oral-chemo treatments for a 3-month period. The tumor was sitting too close to a main artery and therefore too dangerous to operate on without trying to shrink its size, hoping it would shrink away from the artery. It did shrink and they scheduled me for surgery to remove the tumor.

I had the surgery (a Whipple Procedure) on December 10, 2012. I was told at that time the tumor had been completed removed and all margins were clear. This was far better than we had hoped for and of course I was grateful to Dr. Ahn for having seen the problem and getting me right in to see specialists who could evaluate and treat my tumor.

After the surgery, I had 4 months of IV-chemo therapy and in August of 2013, received a new CT-Scan to determine where I stood as far as the tumor was concerned. At that point, it was determined that I was still clear. I have had a number of follow-up visits with the Oncologist and have continued to have blood tests to check my levels. Each visit has continued to report that I was still clear of the tumor. I am not scheduled for another CT until August of 2014. At which time, I have been assured that they do not expect to find anything of concern.

Throughout the entire period of the treatments and surgery, Dr. Ahn kept tabs on my progress and was in contact with the doctors treating me. She and her Assistant, Emily, contacted me several times when I was at home recuperating. I felt as though everything that could possibly be done was being done. Dr. Ahn left me with such a sense of relief that I felt that I couldnt be in better hands.

Ill never be able to repay Dr. Ahn and MDVIP for the service they have provided to me and my family and I will continue using this service in the future. Thank you for having such wonderful doctors in your organization.
