The MDVIP program and his care are worth every penny

Member First Name
| January, 4 2020 | for Robert A. Carrellas, MD

My doctor, Robert Carrellas, has been my primary for many years, and before that, his father was my doctor as a child. I have always had a good relationship with Dr. Bob, but it was typical with fast visits with little time to talk, and limited tests done according to industry standard. Fast forward to almost 2 years ago when he announced that he was scaling down the practice so he could actually practice medicine. I didn't like the idea of paying more for my physician care, but he laid out the plan for wellness and i thought I should give it a try. I cannot believe the difference it has made in my care and his ability to to provide it. The MDVIP program testing and analysis showed several areas in my health that needed to be changed. Dr. Bob spent the time and resources to get me on the right path and followed up on it. I am much healthier because of it. I am a 59 year-old that started road running at 50, and while he helped me get through various minor injuries in years past, he now takes an active approach that has had me running better, stronger, and pain free for over 2 years now. The ultimate confirmation of his dedicaion? He AND his wife are there on thanksgiving morning to cheer me on as I complete the 9th 5 mile turkey trot in our town!!! His practice and his staff are true pros and make a big difference!! The MDVIP program and his care are worth every penny. See you at the gym Dr. Bob!!!!
