Marcia Kling, my doctor, a friend and a cheerleader

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| February, 24 2024 | for Marcia E. Kling, MD

I began seeing Dr. Kling approximately 20 years ago. I looked for a doctor and staff that were going to treat me with respect, kindness, empathy and actually care about me as a person. I have found such a doctor. She takes time with me to listen, to make sure I have a clear understanding with my medical conditions what she can do, what we can do and what I need to do to be healthy. As of the time she decided to be with MDVIP, she is able to spend more time with me. I have had the most comprehensive wellness program through her than I ever had before. She honors her creed being there for her patients. I can call her with a health issue and she responds to give me answers. Whenever, I have had to go the Emergency Room, she wants me to call her. What doctor does that. She has worked with me in regard to weight issues, she is my cheerleader with encouragement to eat better and exercise more. All in all, her staff and herself are the best thing that has happened to me. Thank you
