Literally saved my life!

Member First Name
| February, 11 2024 | for PenniAnn Whitten, MD

In March of 2014 I went to my doctor, Dr. P. Whitten, for what I thought was a urinary tract infection. I gave her a urine sample and when it came back clear she did an internal exam. She left the exam room and when she came back she had already made an appointment for Monday with a top oncologist in my area. She found a firm, hard growth near my ovary.
From the time I met with my oncologist to my surgery was five days. I had stage 3C Ovarian Cancer.
After eighteen months of chemo (six via port and - since I have the BRCA gene - a year of a chemo pill for a study), I have been clear of cancer since that time.
I am on social security, but we found the money for the first year, at least, to join MDVIP to be able to stay with her!
I trust her completely with the care of my body and health. My soul? I trust Jesus completely. So I’m well taken care of until my last breath. No meant to be dramatic; it is simply truth.
There re SO many times she has listened intently to me and found why I was feeling the way I was.
I went to her incredibly weak at one appointment. By the time she was finished, she called the hospital telling them I was coming.
After five days of testing, they found my body was incapable of absorbing and retaining B12. Sine then I have given myself an injection to keep this critical vitamin in my body.
I could go on and on, but if you don’t have a Primary Car Physician, call her office and join her MDVIP patient care!
