It's a Matter of Trust

Member First Name
Thomas and Maureen
| February, 12 2024 | for Carmelo DiSalvo, MD, FAAFP

Even before we joined MDVIP, we had a relationship of trust with Dr. DiSalvo. My wife, Maureen, has a bit of white coat syndrome and so it is important to the success of care that she feel comfortable with and trust a physician. And I spent a thirty year career working for Medicare. We have both been entirely satisfied with our service. In my own case, Dr. DiSalvo identified my prostate cancer early and referred me for treatment. He's kept up with my diabetic tendencies and nudged me towards medication and improved behavior. He has the ability to create the context in which I can draw the appropriate conclusions about my health and then accept the solutions he offers. Maureen feels the same way. It isn't just that, when looking for a GP, we chose Dr. DiSalvo; it is that we continue to choose him.
