It takes a very special doctor/patient relationship to provide the patient with a comprehensive sigh of relief (picture forthcoming).

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Anya J.
| February, 23 2014 | for Robert L. Schiff, MD
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It takes a very special doctor/patient relationship to provide the patient with a comprehensive sigh of relief (picture forthcoming). I have this feeling of relief via Dr. Robert L. Schiff and I have had it for many years (circa 1987). He is brilliant, consistent and extremely professional at all times. We began a medical relationship when I was in my 40's with a tricky blood pressure issue. In my 50's while married to military officer my medical care transferred to military. Although military medical care is state of the art, there are myriads of doctors involved in your medical treatments. I switched back to Dr. Schiff and immediately received the benefit of his wise care. Now I am in my healthy 60's and Dr. Schiff is a member of MDVIP. I love this new age !!! I have a state of the art Doctor and he is a member of a state of the art health system. I love the annual thorough assessment and the on-line communications available via MDVIP.

I am enclosing a picture of a happy, healthy me....Thank you Dr. Schiff for years of health advice and encouragement !
